Rose petal jam

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600ml / 1pt boiling water

450g / 1lb strongly scented, freshly picked rose petals

450g / 1lb caster sugar

2 limes, juice only

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1. Fill a large pan with the boiling water. Add half the rose petals, cover and leave to stand for two hours.

2. After two hours strain off the liquid and transfer to a clean pan. Discard the steeped rose petals.

3. Add the sugar to the rosewater and stir over a low heat until dissolved. Add the lime juice and remaining rose petals, reserving a handful for later.

4. Bring to boiling point, reduce the heat and simmer until setting point is reached. To test for this, pour a little onto a cold saucer. Push it gently with your finger. If it wrinkles, it is ready. If not continue to simmer for a little longer.

5. Add remaining rose petals and simmer gently for another three minutes then pour into a sterilised jar and seal. The rose petals should rise to the top leaving clear jelly underneath.