Stir-fried chinese greens with ginger, oyster and soy sauce

Фото - Фото - Stir-Fried Chinese Greens with Ginger, Oyster and Soy Sauce


For this dish I use any mixture of good Chinese greens I can get my hands on. It's tasty and very quick to make.

11 - 14 ounces mixed Chinese greens - bok choy, Chinese broccoli (gai larn), baby spinach

3 tablespoons walnut oil

1 tablespoon sesame oil

1/2 tablespoon thinly sliced ginger

4 scallions, finely shredded

2 tablespoons oyster sauce

1 tablespoon soy sauce

2 pinches of sugar

juice of 1 lime

salt and freshly ground black pepper

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Remove any blemished outside stalks from the greens. Put the spinach to one side so that you can add it to the wok or pan at the last minute, as it cooks very quickly. Prepare the rest of the Chinese greens- i normally cut the Chinese broccoli into strips and the bok choy into quarters. Plunge the greens into boiling water for about 1 1/2 minutes until just tender, and drain well.

Put the oil and the ginger into a very large, hot wok or other suitable pan and cook for about 30 seconds. Add the scallions and the rest of the ingredients apart from the seasoning. Stir, then add the spinach and toss so that everything is coated in sauce. The vegetables will sizzle and stir-fry. The oyster and soy sauce will reduce, just coating the greens. At this point season to taste. Stir-fry for a further minute and serve immediately.

Yield: Serves 4-6