Herb polenta - polenta alle erbe

Фото - Фото - Herb polenta - Polenta alle erbe


1 kg polenta (maize flour roughly milled)

6 sage leaves, finely chopped

1 tbsp fresh rosemary, finely chopped

1 laurel leave, finely chopped

20 green pepper grains

200 g butter, really good quality

150 g Parmesan


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In a large alluminium saucepan bring 4 L of water to the boil. In the meantime mix the sage, the rosemary and the pepper grains (whole) into the maize flower.

If you are cooking on gas place a flame distributer between the pan and the flame to even out the heat. Wait till the water boils then with a long handled whisk in one hand start stirring while you slowly sprinkle in the polenta in with the other- stir for a minute after all the flour is in. Lower the heat to the minimum (change burner if on an electric cooker) and leave it to cook for half an hour. Depending on the type of maize flour it should cook between 30 and 45 minutes. It is anyway a good idea to taste it after the first half hour and adjust for salt as it is difficult to salt properly when totally cooked.

When you stir the polenta with a wooden spoon take care not to scrape the bottom or the edges. While cooking, a compact layer is formed on the bottom which is probably burnt underneath. It must not be lifted.

Melt the butter in a double boiler and dress the polenta with plenty of it and with a really generous helping of freshly grated Parmesan cheese.