Porters cake

Фото - Фото - porters cake


250 ml- porter

250 g - butter

250 g - brown sugar

1 kg - mixed dried fruit

(Equal quantities currants, raisins, sultanas

with about half as much mixed peel)

1/2 kg - plain flour

1/2 tsp - baking soda

1 tsp - mixed spice

grated rind from one small lemon (optional)

3 medium eggs

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Melt the butter and sugar in the porter in a saucepan. Add the fruit and simmer for 10 minutes. Allow to go cold and add the sieved flour, baking soda, spices and lemon rind. Beat the eggs and mix in with a wooden spoon. Pour into a greased and lined 9 inch / 25 cm cake tin and bake on the middle shelf of a pre-heated oven at gas mark 3, 325 ° F, 160 ° C for about 1 3/4 hours. To test the cake, push a skewer into the centre- if ready, the skewer will come out clean. Allow the cake to cool in the tin.

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