Steak poivre

Фото - Фото - Steak Poivre


Serves 2

2 filets mignons (6 to 8 ounces each), cut 1 1/4 inches thick1 1/2 tablespoons black peppercorns1 tablespoon unsalted butter2 tablespoons vegetable oilSalt, to taste2 tablespoons Cognac

1/3 cup crіme fraоche or heavy (or whipping) cream

Як готувати

1. About 30 minutes before cooking, remove the steaks from therefrigerator and pat them dry. Coarsely crush the peppercorns in amortar with a pestle or in a peppermill and spread them on a plate.Coat the filets on both sides with the pepper. Set aside at roomtemperature. 2. Melt the butter and oil in a large heavy-bottomed skillet with along handle. When very hot, add the fillets. Cook until seared andwell-crusted on one side, about 4 minutes. Turn and cook the secondside, 4 minutes more for medium-rare or 5 minutes more for medium.Baste the filets with pan drippings and salt them after turning. 3. Remove the skillet from the heat. Transfer the filets to a plateand pour off the cooking fat. Do not wash or wipe out the skillet.Return the filets to the skillet. In a small saucepan, heat the Cognacover medium heat. When it boils, pour the Cognac over the filets (makesure your hair is tied back and your sleeves are rolled up before youdo this). Carefully light the Cognac with a long kitchen match. Itwill flare up momentarily. Gently shake the skillet over the hotburner until the flames die. (This procedure accomplishes twoobjectives: All the alcohol burns off and residual fat in the skilletburns as well.) Transfer the steaks to 2 plates or a platter and keepwarm. 4. Add the crіme fraоche to the skillet and bring it to a boil, scraping the bottom with a wooden spoon to deglaze the meat juices.Gently whisk the sauce until it has thickened slightly, about 2minutes. Add salt. 5. Pour the sauce over the filets and serve at once.

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