Spicy lentil salad

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8 ounces (1.25 cups) lentils

1.5 teasoon salt, divided

3 tb. spoon olive olil

2 tb spoons lemon juice

pinch of black pepper

pinch of sugar

2 teaspoons minced garlic (2 cloves)

1 cup onion, chopped (1 medium)

1 tb. spooon green chili pepper, chopped

1 cup fresh coriander leaves

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Rince the lentils. Drain well. Place in saucepan and add water to cover them by at least 3 inches. Add 0.25 teaspoon of the salt and bring to boil. Lower the heat and simmer, partially covered, for 20-30 min / until the lentils are tender but still have a little bite. Drain the lentils immediately, and run cold water until cool.

Whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, 1.25 salt, pepper and sugar. Add the cooled lentils, garlic, onion and chili pepper. Chop coriander, add to mixture and mix. Cover tightly and set aside for 2 hours at room temp. or up to 3 days in the fride stirring at least once a day.

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