Італійський томатний соус від підлоги Тейлора

Фото - Фото - Італійський томатний соус від Пола Тейлора


* Tin of chopped tomatoes

* 3 fresh plum tomatoes

* Onion

* 6cloves garlic

* Tomato paste (concentrate)

* Basil

* Fresh ground black pepper

Як готувати

chop onions (fine) and garlic and fry (gas on full) in about 2 large spoons of olive oil stirring continuosly ....

when onions / garlic brown add can of chopped tomatoes and stir ... add one small teaspoon salt and grind one teaspoon black pepper ... turn down heat and simmer for @ 2 mins ... add one cup of boiling hot water .. .then, 2-3 large spoons of tomato concentrate paste ... stirring until sauce is smooth ... add one small teaspoon brown sugar ... leave on simmer for 15 minutes, stirring every so often ...

turn off and let stand for 30 mins with lid on and chopped basil sprinkled on top of sauce ... stir just before serving--)))))

when u have left over pasta and sauce ... put it in a oven dishgt; add loads of parmesan mixing it with one beaten egg (per person), more cheese on top then bake in oven for @ 20 mins ...--)) ... izzz killa i tell u

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