Prune and bacon skewers

Фото - Фото - Prune and bacon skewers


20 rashers bacon

125 g cream cheese

1 tb sp mayonnaise

3 teaspoon mustard

3 teaspoon finely chopped chives

2x375 g packets pitted prunes

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remove rind from bacon.cut into 5 cm lengths

# Beat the cream cheese until soft and cream.add the mayonnaise, mustard and chives, beat until combined

# Using a piping bag, pipe the cream cheese mixture into the centre of pitted prune

# Roll each prune in a strip of bacon and carefully secure the end of the bacon with a small bamboo skewer or toothpick.grill under moderately hot grill for 3-5 min, turning frequently, until the bacon is crisp and browned.

can be served either hot from the grill or cold

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