Toad in the hole

Фото - Фото - Toad in the Hole


125 g flour, (white)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 large egg (s)

300 ml skimmed milk

2 tablespoon water, cold (for batter)

350 g Bowyers 95% Fat-Free Thick Pork Sausage

5 spray low-fat cooking spray

1 small onion (s), thinly sliced

50 g mushrooms, sliced

4 teaspoon gravy powder

1 pinch salt, for seasoning

1 teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon parsley, chopped

300 ml water, (for gravy)

Як готувати

* Preheat oven to Gas Mark 7/210 ° C / 425 ° F.

* Put flour, salt, egg, milk and water into a large bowl. Using a whisk, beat together to make a smooth batter. Stand for 10 - 15 minutes.

* Put sausages into a non-stick roasting pan. Place in oven on middle shelf for 5 minutes, until very hot.

* Working quickly, pour batter around sausages and return to oven. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes, until risen and golden brown.

* Meanwhile, make gravy. Mist non-stick saucepan with cooking spray. Heat, add onion and saut # 233- gently until golden. Add mushrooms and 300 ml (# 189- pint) water. Heat until simmering, then stir in gravy granules. Cook until thickened. Season with salt and pepper and add parsley. Serve with toad in the hole.

Chef Tips

* This family favourite can be made vegetarian too - simply substitute the sausages with your favourite veggie alternative.

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